Munford Water Authority, Inc.
Emergency Phone Lines:
Andrew Collett 256-310-3556
Dina Bazor 205-401-4454
PO Box 92 ~ 76 Railroad Street ~ Munford, AL 36268
Office: (256) 358-4841 Fax: (256) 358-4842
Welcome to the Munford Water Authority, Inc.’s
Website Page
The Munford Water Authority, Inc. is a non-profit water utility,
providing quality water services to the Munford area in beautiful
Talladega County, Alabama.
This web-page has been provided as an informational tool for our customers, current and future.
We have provided copies of our Service Rules and Regulations, Application for Service,
and Links to State and Local interests that are associated to the Water District.
Please feel free to browse through the web-page.
We are still in the process of changing and updating information,
so please excuse any information that may not be completely accurate.
Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday
8am - 4:30pm
12 noon - 1pm
8am - 12 noon
76 Railroad Street
P.O. Box 92
Munford, AL 36268
Phone: (256) 358-4841
Fax: (256) 358-4842
Online Payments Go to Online Payment Tab to see message!
News and Announcements & News and Updates for current messages and
job listings!
New rates & changes to TONP effective January 1, 2023
Alabama Department of Environmental Management
National Rural Water Association
Effective April 1, 2022 New Tap Fees
will increase from $600 to $800 per tap